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A blog to show all that we’ve been up to in Pre-School.


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The owls made their own hoopla hoops by using the outside of a paper plate which they individually decorated with stickers, colouring and drawings.
“I’m making this for my mummy!”
“Look I’ve put squares on mine”
There was lots of discussion about who the children were making their hoops for and what colour their mummy/daddy would like, whilst selecting heart shapes and making patterns.
Once complete each child had a number (5,10,15,20) to copy on a circular disc so we could use the numbers as scores for our hoopla game.
We were then ready to play hoopla together, taking it in turns to try and score our points. It was quite challenging at first when learning to spin our hoops, although, with a few attempts and trying again, many of the children successfully scored points for the team!

– Aline

Extra special thanks to Aline and family for hand-crafting the wooden apparatus for our hoopla game.

Owls Challenge – Old Toys

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We would like to ask all of the owls to design or make their own toy. We will send through separately a ‘this is my toy design ‘ sheet if they would like to draw a toy, or can they make a kite (sticks and paper/material), or a spinning top (cardboard disc and stick), a peg doll (wooden peg and material), a puppet (wooden spoon with a drawn face or large lollipop stick with paper cut out person). We can’t wait to see what you draw/design/make.

Thank you to all of our families for supporting our inventors with such creative designs.

– Natasha

Dinosaurs in the supermarket by Timothy Knapman and Sara Warburton

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The children chose to learn about dinosaurs this week. The grand finale to an exciting week was Sue’s multi-sensory story.

There are dinosaurs in the supermarket!

Look, they’re everywhere!

If only grown-ups noticed them, they’d get a frightful scare.

There’s T.rex gobbling sausages…

Stegosaurus spilling beans…

Apatosaurs chucking frozen peas

Are filling the isles with greens!

There are dinosaurs in the supermarket!

But when I tell my Mum, they hide until she looks away…


And then…

Right back they come!

Ankylosaurus and his trolley crash into all those cans.

The pterosaurs go flying and end up in the flans!


Triceratops squirt chocolate sauce.

Hadrosaurs scoff cake.

Iguanadons chuck toilet rolls.

What a MONSTER MESS they make!

“Our supermarket’s ruined!”

The check-out staff despair.

“The car park’s full of ice cream,

and there’s ketchup everywhere!”

“There are dinosaurs in the supermarket!”

I shout out straight away.

“Look, their custard footprints must be clear as day!”

Must be clear as day!”

“Dinosaurs in the supermarket? Please don’t have us on!”

I point to where I see them…

…But the dinosaurs have gone.

If this goes on much longer, they’ll think that I’m to blame.

So I find those sneaky dinosaurs and say, “Let’s play a game…

…called Supermarket Clean-up.”

I give each one a mop.

They plunge them in the suds and – SPLAT!

They splash and swoosh and slop!

In no time, things are shining bright.

The grown-ups say, “Well done!

This boy here cleaned the supermarket.”

My mum says, “That’s my son!”


They don’t believe it’s true.

…Till hordes of soapy dinosaurs

jump out shouting… “BOO!”