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What is the Committee?

Therfield Village Preschool is a registered charity and overseen by a committee, they are trustees for the charity. The preschool employs a qualified staff team to manage the day to day running of the setting.

Committee members are volunteers, predominantly parents, who are elected and appointed roles at the Annual General Meeting. Amongst other things, they arrange admissions, manage finances, training and organise fundraising events throughout the year.

These fundraising events enable the committee to buy new resources for the children at preschool and most recently has paid for our improved outdoor space and Coronation keepsake medals.

Becoming part of the committee is a fantastic way to engage with your child’s education and help to shape the future of the preschool. No previous experience or qualifications are required. It is also a great opportunity to harness your talents and experiences whilst also adding new skills for your own CV.

We are always looking for new volunteers to join our preschool committee, without them our preschool cannot exist. Do speak to one of our friendly committee members or get in touch if you would like to know more.

Our Team – Committee Members

Chairperson & Designated Safeguarding Person – Lisa Kingsley
[email protected]

Treasurer – Tammy Leibenberg
[email protected]

Joint Treasurer & Payroll – Sophie Murphy
[email protected]
Secretary – Chetan Lad
[email protected]
Admissions – Laura Hanson
[email protected]
Fundraising – Abbie Knights
[email protected]
Fundraising – Claire Lewzey
[email protected]

Advisory members to the Committee

Village Hall Liaison – Sophie Brodgen
[email protected] 
Admin support – Charlotte Baker
IT / Website – Joe Bailey