Owls club runs every Monday afternoon, until 2.30pm during the Autumn and Spring terms, extending to 3pm after the Easter holidays. This is an optional session for those in their ‘nursery’ year, in preparation for Reception class the following September. The children experience a full school day where curriculum-based activities are introduced in a more focused environment. The session begins with a register and jolly-phonics. Children have the opportunity to participate in maths, literacy and social games. We also liaise closely with local schools and have visits from Reception year teachers.

Example of our Summer term routine:
13.30 – Carpet time, sitting in our own space, who is here today, during today’s Owls Club we are…
13.40 – Jolly Jingles

13.50 – Finding our name at 1 of the available stations, rotating around the 3 stations on the sound of the buzzer
Station 1 Maths games and activities

Station 2 Literacy games and activities

Station 3 Fine motor choice activities

14.20 – Heavy work: developing our teamwork, social skills, gross motor skills and sense of achievement
(These activities develop strength and proprioception, bilateral coordination, mid-line crossing and fine motor skills)

14.35 – ERIC (Everybody Reads In Class) time, variety of style and type of books with time for children to explore, discuss and ‘read’ to themselves and each other

14.45 – Snack time – helping ourselves to a piece of fruit, pouring our own drinks

14.50 – Story time and preparing ourselves for the home time including selecting our reading book and phonics home learning sheets