Session Routine
09.00 – 09.30 Early Birds
Doors open, wash hands on arrival. Children settle in with some free-choice play
09.30 Self registration, free play and adult guided activities
Supported creative activity
Activities include role-play, small world play, construction, quiet area, ICT play, puzzles, physical area. Throughout this time adults will be supporting children as they develop social and self-help skills, and gain knowledge in the 7 areas of learning. Our welcoming environment allows choice, independence, enjoyment and countless opportunities to develop and achieve.
Owls Guided activity
Practitioners support children in small groups on guided activities which will focus on working together and turn taking, letters and sounds and mathematics. Fledglings will be welcome to access the activities when developmentally appropriate.
10.30 Cafe opens, outdoor play offered
To avoid interruption of learning and play, children can select when they need to have a drink and a snack – important life skills to master. They can also develop their independence and social skills alongside peers and, with adult support, they wash their hand, prepare their own snack and encouraged to clear away when finished before returning to free-play.
*We are a nut-free setting*
The garden is opened to allow a choice of playing in or outside in varying weather conditions. The 7 areas of learning will also be met on a daily basis in the garden with social, physical, imaginary and focused play activities.
11.45 Music on and tidy up time.
Music will play giving the children advance notice that play time is coming to an end, therefore giving them the opportunity to complete, or set aside games and activities to return to during a future session before tidy up time.
12.00 Circle Time
The children are invited to come together to join in with social and communicative songs and games, including signing. Some children benefit from Nurture time which is a smaller group in a quiet environment.
12.10 Story and Song Time
We will join back together for nursery rhymes and a story with children joining in storytelling, acting as characters and various props and resources used to involve and inspire the children.
Children going home after their morning session sing the end of the session song. Those children staying for lunch move to the lunch tables.
12.30 Lunch Time
Lunch Club is available daily from 12.30 until 1.30 pm, where children sit together to eat their packed lunches, followed by playtime, either inside or out. Please do not include lunch items such as nuts, fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolates. No cans, bottles, glass, clingfilm or plastic bags please.
*We are a nut-free setting*
Afternoon Sessions
Mondays – Owls Club 1.30 – 2.30 (Extending to 3pm in the final summer term)
A club especially for those transition to Reception class in September, focusing on school preparation. More information can be found on our Owl’s Club page.
Tuesdays – Music & Drama 1.30 – 2.30
The children enjoy role-play with friends, for example a tea party or shopping trip. As well as enjoying music, movement and singing activities.
Wednesday – Creative Club 1.30 – 3.00
This slightly longer afternoon club allows us to further extend our learning around themes we are covering in session, often based on the children’s own interests. Creative activities support the children’s personal development by sparking natural curiosity and imagination. They often create fantastic works of art and related pictures that they can proudly take home to share.
Thursday – Messy Time 1.30 – 2.30
Exploring media and materials using all of our senses. Favourite discovery play includes play-dough, water mixed with flavoured tea bags and tea pots etc, as well as more messy play including Gloop, cooked spaghetti and of course, lots of painting!