The Causeway, Therfield, Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 9PP
Tel: 01763 287284 Fax: 01763 287439
Email: [email protected]
Headteacher: Tara McGovern
Established since 1854, Therfield First School is a small village school with a friendly feel. Set in the idyllic village of Therfield, our pupils join us in Reception and leave us at the end of Year 4. We are a happy and nurturing school where our pupils are at the heart of everything that we do. The school motto of Bringing Learning to Life sums up all things Therfield First School!
Why Choose Therfield First School:
- Small, nurturing village school
- High adult/child ratio
- Small class sizes
- Creative curriculum
- High quality teaching
- Outstanding Early Years outside area
- Weekly Forest School
- Exciting outdoor play areas
- Specialist teaching for Music, Forest School, PE and Mindfulness
- Strong community spirit
For more information about the school, please visit on our website you can view our virtual tour, weekly newsletters, photo gallery, class pages and lots more.