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By May 19, 2017May 23rd, 2017Blog
The owls made their own hoopla hoops by using the outside of a paper plate which they individually decorated with stickers, colouring and drawings.
“I’m making this for my mummy!”
“Look I’ve put squares on mine”
There was lots of discussion about who the children were making their hoops for and what colour their mummy/daddy would like, whilst selecting heart shapes and making patterns.
Once complete each child had a number (5,10,15,20) to copy on a circular disc so we could use the numbers as scores for our hoopla game.
We were then ready to play hoopla together, taking it in turns to try and score our points. It was quite challenging at first when learning to spin our hoops, although, with a few attempts and trying again, many of the children successfully scored points for the team!

– Aline

Extra special thanks to Aline and family for hand-crafting the wooden apparatus for our hoopla game.

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