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Spring Newsletter 2014

By News, Newsletter, Therfield Pre-School No Comments

Welcome back

Term dates – Tuesday 7th January – Friday 4th April 2014.

Half term –  Monday 17th – Friday 21st February 2014.

We would especially like to welcome our new starters –
+ Gabriel

As you know we had to say a sad farewell to Rebecca at the end of the Autumn Term, which is really the end of an era with Rebecca having been involved in the initial setting up of the setting, and then returning to us in recent years.

We will however be welcoming a new member to the team shortly, and we are sure you will help us to make him or her feel very welcome.  We will give you more details as soon as possible.

Our sessions run from 9.30 until 12.30 Monday to Friday with an optional lunch club until 1.30 (no need to pre-book lunch).
Our afternoon club for all children will run every Weds from 1.30 – 3 (prompt pick up necessary please), and our owl club for children preparing for schools will resume in the summer term on Monday afternoons.  If you are interested please speak to Tracey or Tina.

Working together:

Following the success of our last ‘Gardening day’ we would like again to invite you to join us, during our Rainbow week (our sponsored wearing colours week – more details to follow), which this year will be the 3rd – 7th March –  to provide, help us to plant, and to care for a variety of spring plants in our garden.

We would also like to develop this further with your help – so if you have a local garden that could do with some tlc, then please speak to Tina and we could join you during a session, for digging, weeding and planting.

Other activities during the spring term include:

Chinese New Year 31st January – we will have a Chinese banquet with the children.
Valentines day 14th February – please join us for a cuddly, friendship based morning.
St David’s 1st March and St Patrick’s day  17th March– if you would like to join us to share related stories, information, cooking activities please speak to Tina.
World Book Day – 6th March – we would like to invite parents/carers to join us to read stories and books throughout the week.
Mothers Day –30th March – the children would like you to return at 12.15 for cake, drink and a surprise.

Easter – our easter party and easter egg hunt to include parents, carers and siblings will be on Friday 4th April.

Spring Newletter 2011

By Newsletter, Therfield Pre-School No Comments

March 2011 Spring Newsletter


As you may be aware during the summer term we run a club for the children moving on to school in September – the owls club, from 1.30 – 3pm.  Due to the higher numbers this year we are hoping to run this on 3 afternoons a week – days to be confirmed.  To ensure all children interested have the opportunity to join the club, we will ask that you select a maximum of 2 afternoons for your child too join, would you please let Tina know if you would like to put your child down and how many afternoons for.  Thank you.


We appreciate that parking is difficult on church lane, particularly with the temporary loss of our driveway, however there have been complaints from nearby residents who unfortunately have been unable to access their own properties so please take care when parking and park around the green when possible, thank you.

SPRING TERM ENDS  –  Fri 8th April

SUMMER TERM BEGINS – Weds 27th April.

Download the Spring Plan 2011