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This Week-06-06-11

By September 5, 2011January 12th, 2012Therfield Pre-School, This Week


6th September 2011

THEME  – OUR PRE-SCHOOL – settling in, getting to know the staff and our peers, reviewing and learning our golden rules, becoming familiar with the routine and taking part in our favourite activities, playing with favourite toys etc.


Home corner –  Home corner – kitchen equipment, table and food, seating area, props such as tv remote, laptop, telephone
Creative  – free access to block paints, chalks and painting at the easel, mark-making at the art trolley
Construction  –large construction blocks
Various  –        quiet book corner with children’s favourite puzzles, water and bubbles, dolls house, cars + garage, brio train, farm + animals, laptop, flour and water (messy play), gloop and dinosaurs, magnets, threading, compare bears for sorting and matching


Free access to large choice bag and choice trolley containing creative, imaginary and physical resources and equipment
Large and small tyres, quiet construction /puzzles in shelter.
Small chalk boards with various colour chalks
Large plastic bricks and tools


Group time – introductions, handshakes, talking about things we want to do at pre-school
Creating a fruit tree – a permanent display board to add names of children coming to the café.  Also drawing, cutting and decorating fruit for the tree.
Studying fruit, leaf, bark and fruit rubbings
Lego and small animals – building them enclosures.


Group time – introductions, handshakes, talking about things we want to do at pre-school
Small world play – dolls house, dinosaurs, space toys, cars + garage, animals etc.
Constructing with plastic and wooden bricks
Leaf, fruit and bark rubbings
Painting and decorating fruit shapes with collage and textured material.

Please note to incorporate children new to pre-school into our sharing we have had to make some changes so please see the list in the lobby to confirm your child’s day for sharing.  This involves the children bringing in an item from home to show other children, encouraging social interaction and verbal communication, increasing self-confidence and helping the children to make links between home and pre-school and to feel a sense of belonging.  For this week please support the children in selecting an item/toy that they are particularly able to relate to and will enjoy sharing.

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