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THEME – GROWING + CHANGING – This week focusing on lifecycles.

Personal, social + emotional – dispositions + attitudes
Communication, language + literacy – linking sounds + letters
Problem solving, reasoning + numeracy – numbers as labels + for counting
Knowledge and understanding of the world – place
Physical development – using equipment + materials
Creative development – exploring media + materials

PLEASE HELP – we would like some help with the shopping for the rest of this half term if possible. If you have any information leaflets/ books on caring for pets or cuddly animal toys that we could borrow it would be greatly appreciated. Please show us your support at the fete this Saturday afternoon, 25th June.


Owls – (pre-school age)

  • Group discussion based on
  • Matching letters + sounds
  • Making + measuring caterpillars
  • Creating hungry caterpillar
  • Creating individual animal, caterpillar and butterfly masks
    for the fete.

Fledglings – (nursery age)

  • Circle time – our favourite things.
  • Nursery rhymes + rhyming
  • Making bugs with play dough
    using paper or play foam.
  • Bug hunt in the garden
  • Creating individual animal
    caterpillar and butterfly masks for the fete.


Home corner –. Pet shop – selling pets, accessories, info on caring for pets etc.
Creative – sponge painting caterpillars, hand painting butterflies, decorating lifecycle pictures
Construction  – new large construction blocks combined with children’s choice, animals, Indian reserve and tools.
Various  –        quiet book corner with lifecycle puzzles, water and sand with caterpillars, butterflies and frogs, dolls, cars and garage, laptop, pirate ships, play dough and animal cutters, programmable toys, cooking animal biscuits, threading +sewing, compare bears for counting, matching and sorting.


Large paper attached to the fence to add wildlife pictures, painting, drawing including butterflies, flowers, pond with frogs etc.
Puppet show and animal puppets.
Free access to large choice bag and choice trolley containing creative, imaginary and physical resources and equipment
Cars and ride on toys, small climbing frame.
Large and small tyres.
Books, cushions and mark-making  in sheltered area

Sharing suggestions–  anything to do with butterflies, caterpillars, frogs, tadpoles including clothes, toys, books, headbands, hungry caterpillar story and props, photographs from last years fete.
Please remember that anything that interests your child and that they will enjoy sharing with the other children will be suitable.


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